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Common Ground - March 2023

On Saturday 25th March we teamed up with Scary Little Girls & Greenham Women Everywhere to host a special event celebrating Greenham Common Women's Peace Camp! 


We were delighted to be joined by some of the women who were involved in the original protests against the presence of US missiles on UK soil in the 1980's, many of whom continue to campaign for peace & justice to this day.  


The event included an exhibition of photographs & articles documenting the protests, and guests heard stories, songs & poems from those who were there. We were also treated to a lesson on how to build a 'bender', or willow-den, which were used as natural shelters by women camping at the protest sites.  


Community Plan 4 Holloway came to speak about their campaign to ensure the needs of the local community, and particularly women & children, remain at the heart of the redevelopment of the former Holloway Prison site (where, controversially, some Greenham protesters were formerly incarcerated). We also heard a speech from Jeremy Corbyn, and The Museum of Youth Culture came to talk about their amazing archive which includes stories & photos documenting the political activism of young people across the decades.  

020 7607 9453  |

© 2018 Hilldrop Area Community Association

Registered charity 1164597

Ofsted Registered Childcare & Early Years provider reference: 2503947


Hilldrop Community Centre

Community Lane

Hilldrop Road

London, N7 0JE

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