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Hilldrop Play Project

The Hilldrop Play Project is the After School Club and Holiday Playscheme located here at our centre.  We provide affordable childcare with a full range of fun and stimulating activities geared toward primary-aged children (4-11yrs) and run by our qualified, friendly and experienced staff.


If you'd like to register your child with either service please download a registration form and email it directly to


Places are offered on a first come first served basis with priority given to key worker families. Parents & Carers must present a valid Birth Certificate for each child registered with the Play Project.

Manager & Safeguarding Lead: Iola Isaac

Please email all enquiries to the Manager Iola Isaac

Telephone Enquiries:  0207 700 1871

*Please note that while play activities are running staff may be unable to come to the phone. Please leave a voicemail message with your name and contact number. Play staff arrive at 3pm for the After School Club and at 8.15am for the Holiday Playscheme. 

After School Club
Our after school club runs from 3.45pm-6pm, Monday to Friday during term-time.
Free 'walking bus' collections are provided to children from Hungerford Primary School and Tufnell Park Primary School.

Concessions are available for families on low incomes, please download our Rate Sheet for full details.

All children must be registered to take part.

Holiday Playscheme
Available to children of any school, we run sessions from 8.15am-5.30pm Monday to Friday during the following School Holidays (excluding all Bank Holidays):

October, February and May Half-Term (1 week)
Easter Holidays (2 weeks)
Summer Holidays (4 weeks during July & August)
There is no service during the Christmas Holidays
Each week includes at least one trip and activities such as gardening, baking and arts and crafts. You must provide your child with a packed lunch for each day they attend (no nuts please). 

Payment Terms


After School Club fees are invoiced at the end of each month. Holiday Playscheme bookings are invoiced on confirmation of attendance where possible and we prefer to take payment in advance.


Invoices are payable by BACS to Hilldrop Area Community Association, account 00029670 s/c 40-52-40.

If you are an existing client with outstanding bills, you must settle your account if you wish to continue using Play Project services.


Childcare Vouchers & Subsidies

We accept most registered childcare vouchers. Parents in receipt of financial support

from external agencies to cover childcare fees must provide a written agreement to the Play Project Manager. 

Download our Childcare Vouchers & Subsidies Agreement


For all enquiries please email:

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