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Bright Futures 

Free Early Help for children & young people aged 5 to 19 years. 


The Bright Futures Early Help Team work with 5-19 year olds and their families for up to six weeks when particular needs have been identified, or when help has been requested.

The aim is to assist families in addressing any emerging issues or concerns before they escalate and become difficult to manage. This includes linking families in with services and activities that are designed to improve outcomes for children and young people, such as children’s centres, open access youth and play services and healthcare services.

Our Play & Youth Practitioners for North Islington have a background in services for children and young people and has been providing face to face support to children, young people and their families for a number of years.

What is Early Help? 

Early Help just means identifying areas where a child or young person might benefit from support from a specific service, or an activity designed to improve wellbeing. The help offered could range from finding free and affordable activities or mentoring opportunities, to finding learning support and resources, or managing healthcare or other personal issues. 

Early Help can also assist parents who may be having difficulty managing child behaviour on top of other concerns, such as financial problems, debt, unemployment, domestic abuse or isolation. The Early Help team can link you with a variety of support services, including employment & training services, finance and debt advice, and schemes offering assistance with purchasing items like school uniforms and clothes for job interviews.  

You can book an appointment with a practitioner at Hilldrop Community Centre on Wednesday afternoons. Contact the helpline on  020 7527 4343 (Mon-Fri 9am-5pm) or email

Parent Champions

Parent Champions are parents and carers who've used Bright Futures services and are able to volunteer for 3-4 hours a week giving information out to families and linking them with Islington services & activities.

It's an opportunity to help shape service delivery, build skills and confidence and meet like-minded parents. Training and travel expenses are provided. 

Email or call 07974 604 096 for more information. 

Bright Futures Parent Champion poster.jpg

020 7607 9453  |

© 2018 Hilldrop Area Community Association

Registered charity 1164597

Ofsted Registered Childcare & Early Years provider reference: 2503947


Hilldrop Community Centre

Community Lane

Hilldrop Road

London, N7 0JE

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