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Kingsley Organisation

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Kingsley Organisation is a charity that supports disabled adults and provides opportunities for personal development, education, training and independence. Kingsley use Hilldrop Community Centre as their base to deliver the Chainreaction in Town service.

Chain Reaction in Town

Chainreaction is a person centred service, set up to provide disabled people the opportunity to explore their own personal development.  Participants are encouraged to explore their hopes, fears, experiences and aspirations for the future, increasing confidence and independence.  Chainreaction offers opportunities for learning and training.  Participants are supported to achieve goals and take their life in their chosen direction.

Chainreaction includes:

  • therapeutic group

  • one to one counselling

  • opportunities for personal growth

  • developing new skills

  • trying new experiences

  • working in groups and individually

  • exploring aims and ambitions.

  • valuing relationships

  • valuing individual difference

The Chainreaction model allows for activities to vary according to individual need, preference and ambition. 

They can include:

  • Independent living skills –  travel training, meal planning, money skills and budgeting

  • Health and Wellbeing – healthy eating, fitness, relationships, managing health conditions

  • Computer, literacy and numeracy skills

  • Formal and informal arts and crafts sessions

  • Dance and drama

  • Cooking and baking

  • Gardening and growing vegetables

  • Accessing the community –libraries, parks,

  • Leisure activities such as cinema, swimming and bowling, restaurants, cafes and pubs

  • Group meals and celebrations


Days and times

  • Monday

  • Thursday

  • Friday

Weekly, 10am - 3pm, excluding bank holidays.


Hayley Sutton, Senior Administrator
Telephone: 01420 479000

Antonio Vocale, Facilitator

More information


020 7607 9453  |

© 2018 Hilldrop Area Community Association

Registered charity 1164597

Ofsted Registered Childcare & Early Years provider reference: 2503947


Hilldrop Community Centre

Community Lane

Hilldrop Road

London, N7 0JE

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